Some Grants
- Parent explanations for child behavior, 1983-1984
University of Illinois Research Board
- Attribution and marital satisfaction, 1984-1985
University of Illinois Research Board
- Childhood depression, 1984-1985
Biomedical Research Support Grant
- Marital dysfunction: An attributional analysis, 1985-1986
Biomedical Research Support Grant
- An analysis of learned helplessness, 1985-1986
National Institute of Mental Health
- The development of learned helplessness and mastery orientation, 1985-1987
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- Coping with failure: Development, prevention and remediaiton, 1986-1991
W.T. Grant Foundation
- The role of attributions in marriage, 1987-1988
Biomedical Research Support Grant
- Supervisor & sponsor for dissertation research grant (NRSA) 1988-1990
National Institute of Mental Health
- Marital discord and appraisals of interaction, 1988-1990
National Science Foundation
- Attribution processes and marital dysfunction, 1989-1993
National Institute of Mental Health
- Supervisor & sponsor for dissertation research grant (NRSA) 1990-1992
National Institute of Mental Health
- Interparental conflict and child aggression, 1991-1993
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
- Aggression in marriage, 1996-1999
Economic and Social Science Research Council
- A RCT of brief psychological treatment following traumatic injury, 1996-1999
National Health Service
- Children's perspectives and experience of divorce, 1996-1999
Economic and Social Science Research Council
- Forgiveness in family relationships, (PI) 1998-2001
John Templeton Foundation
- Parents and children in transition, 2000
Ittleson Foundation
Strengthening family relationships (PI) 1999-2002
Economic and Social Science Research Council
- Parent training in alcohol treatment (PI) ($458,000) 2002-2005
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Parent training and couple therapy in drug abuse (co-PI) ($2,858,139) 2003-2008
National Institute of Drug Abuse
- The impact of intercessory prayer on marital outcomes (co-PI) ($1,129,825) 2005-2008
Templeton Foundation
- Efficacy of the Program for Strong African American Marriages (PI) ($769,935) 2005-2009
Department of Health and Human Services
- Developing a national model of relationship education for young adults (PI) ($2,612,104) 2006-2011
Department of Health and Human Services
- Romantic relationship development from adolescence to young
(Co PI) ($142,103) 2011-2012
- Prayer in close relationships: Impact on relationship and physical health (PI) ($1,129,595) 2011-2014
John Templeton Foundation
- Calibrating Partner Regulation in Marriage. (Co PI) ($663,288) 2012-2015
National Science Foundation
- Deity prototypes in individuals and families (PI) ($280,181) 2015-2017
- Understanding Supernatural Attributions: Types, Predictors, and Consequences (Co-PI) ($2,439,772) 2017-2019
- Divine forgiveness: Phase 1 (PI) ($233,994) 2019-2020
John Templeton Foundation
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